In the winter I get sick more often but never in Summer. This time I created a new history when I welcome Summer...I had fever, bad headache and now cold and flu which make me feel pretty miserable. The flu is so nasty!. Masuk second week sudah but still not fully recovered yet! I didn´t know where did I catch this virus...I had watery eyes, runny noses, stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Leceh betul oh. I have been quite busy lately, Yes, it’s been a while since the last posts but there have been many good reasons. I cannot be unhappy about the fact that offline activities are taking more and more of my time these days. When the weather gets warmer, its hard to find time to sit infront of the computer. Its not because I don't have things to share but rather because life has been a bit exciting lately many things I have to do, many places we have explored and many many more to come during this Summer. We have done a few family weekend activities tapi tiada masa mau blogging about it...lama lama idea hilang lupa apa mau ditulis and cerita pun sudah jadi bangas LOL... It´s look like July is a busy month for my family. Everyday I have my routine task to follow but our weekend calendar is full! Many interesting events take place, sometimes we do not know which one to go first hehe...That´s the nice thing about Summer. So better enjoy it as much as we can as Summer only last for a few months...Its so enjoyable but sometimes exhausting for my youngest, kesian juga dia..when we go out a lot his misses his nap and tida tentu makan (too much playing and too much excitement!). So my fellow bloggers yang rajin melawat di sini...just letting you know, I am still here alive and kicking, thanks for dropping by..thanks for your messages and comments..keep them coming okay...I´ll be blogging again when time permits and I will drop by at your blogs sometimes. People say, busyness is good, it makes you not be a couch potato. Being busy, spaces in our lives would get filled. I just hope I will not be worned out lah .... So, enough rambling for now. I can be thankful I have my health, my boys, and for being busy as opposed to nothing to do. Betul kan? LOL...
Lui Cha
If you are looking for some detox or healthier remedy, this dish will be a
good option. A change from eating noodle or meat dish, we now have Hakka
Lui C...
5 days ago