Friday, 15 February 2008

Pajamas Party!

Don´t worry the rest will be here soon:)

With his Teddy Bear and Pillow :)

No, I never experience any Pajama Party in my whole life...I am so "sakai" when come to this topic... A day after having Carnival in the kindergarden, the children had another party, it was Pajama Party. I had a good laugh when reading flyers which was sent out to all parents. My son was really so lucky, from one party to another..For their Pajamas Party, the children were told to wear their favourite pajamas and slippers to Kindergarden (or they can change when they get to Kindergarden). They bring pillow cases, sleeping bags and their "buddy", a stuffed animal they like to cuddle. Because of the party, I got to get my son a new pajama:) segan juga kasih pakai pajama lama dan luntur haha..but its okay, it didn´t cost me so much tho. When I sent my son that day, I could see clothes line with sheets, pajama tops, bottoms, pillow cases around the kindergarden. Confetti spreading across their tables as parts of the party deco. Whoever enter the kindergarden will immediately know that pajama party is being held. Wow..children nowadays are so lucky, I remember during my childhood when I was in the kindergarden, there was no such thing like this, that time PAJAMA pun saya tida kenal:) Suddenly I feel so old fashion... Breakfast was parents responsibility. Everyone participate to bring an appetizer, dish and desserts for the pajama party. The best scene was being able to see the kindergarden teachers walking around also with their pajamas on..LOL :) It´s was funny!. Bila lagi kan mau tengok orang pakai pajama kan LOL....Later, Kenneth told me he had so much fun. I think so too, not only fun but I find they´re were so cute!.


  1. Pajama's party in school...wah, how fun was that!!!! Lucky kids!
    Luthie, Kenneth makin hensome saja. Besar sudah dia oh!

  2. Thanks for your comment Hilda, yes I am glad the bigger he is the wiser he become, I hope will continue like that. Less headache for mama hehe...

  3. Alala.. cutenyaa!!

    Wow.. pajama parties.. ya! They don't have these over here. But they should, because they're absolutely fun. At least they teach the kids to be somewhat independent right??

    Cubit cubit pipi si handsome boy tu! :)

  4. Yes kc suggest guru2 sana do for the kids kan. Mesti punya budak2 kesukaan...bawa nasi goreng, mee goreng hahaha..doi kobihis sia sendiri.

    Yep kids here kicil2 sudah independent tu Shemah kadang2 ter-over pula.

    Nanti sia cubit LOL..thanks for coming.


Thanks for your comment, I´ll be back to you.