Sunday, 17 February 2008

The Lengths Women Will Go To....

1. She had to cut out ribs...... 2. She had this done by a plastic surgeon.....

Fancy to have body style like her? Seeing this, I don´t regret to have big size...:)


  1. Alalaaah! What were she thinking? Pretty?? Haha! Luar biasa!

  2. Yalah some people really like doing weird things kan:)

  3. Macam semput saja kalau sia tengok! I wonder how much she eat in a day.. I mean berapa biji nasi saja dia telan. LOL Weird!

  4. Weird and crazy kan. When I look at her macam sia tida dapat bernafas pula! LOL.

  5. Ini suda terdesak yang terlampau ni. Kalau cantik, inda apa juga. Ni nampak macam species dari outer space seja!

    Big is beautiful ma :D

  6. Haha..saya katawa bah kamurang ni. Yalah macam alient kan. Piggang ramping tapi dia lupa iron kulit dia hahaha..punya jahat, sowiiiii..


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