Friday, 16 May 2008

Mother´s Day Weekend

I received two presents from my two little boys...and a nice assortment of chocolate from my BIG boy (tambahlah besar kalau macam ni LOL). Well, me and the boys have finished munching those chocolates to our hearts´s content hehehe.
Tears are not always a bad thing on Mother´s Day especially. When my eldest gave me his Mother´s day crafts with touching poem (he did it with group in the kindergarden), kisses and a big hug on Mother´s day...I got very emotional. Its really nice to see great ideas that kids can make to show mom how much she is loved on this day and everyday.
This is the poem (Sorry its in German) on the card :- Ich bin Dein Kleiner Sonnenschein und lacher Dir in´s Hezn hinein Am Muttertag komm ich zu Dir, and sage Dank und gratulier Dir Liebe Gott, der soll Dir geben Viel Freude and Glück ein langes Leben Ich schenk Dir was zum Feste heut, dazu ein Küsschen, Dir zur Freud
Kyle still doesn´t understand about Mother´s day yet but he made me Mother´s Day Flower Pot with his Leader in his Group Therapy (he attends Group Therapy every Thursday). Me and other mothers were there watching and helping our kids a bit. It´s so cute to see those younger kids with smaller hands doing the flower pots. I really appreciate those little handmades treasures more than anything else.
We were in Munich for Mother´s Day weekend. Our family friend Susanne, Wolfgang and Julia (yg baru sambut 1st communion tuari) invited us to stay overnight at their place. The thing that I like when we are away, I don´t have to think what to cook for my family hehe...What we did was just relaxing, eating, talking and pampered outselves. 1st day when we reached Munich in the afternoon, we had cake and coffee, after that we drove somewhere to a huge beer garden, its really nice there, children enjoyed playing in the playround nearby and we parents enjoyed sitting and sipping our Black German beer and some snacks while talking and listening to live folk the evening, pulang rumah they prepared dinner with Schweinebraten (vogok baked in the oven) with knödel (potato dumpling) very heavy food for dinner oh. (the germans can really eat you know). Second day, after breakast and just relaxing. Our lunch was another heavy food, many white sausages with rolls bread with beer of course. We went for a long walk in a garden of one old Castle outside Munich after lunch, after that dropped by at a beer garden again, had coffee, cakes and ice cream before we drove back to Schwandorf. Now we are on diet keke..yeah right! Our Mother´s Day Strawberry cake made by Susanne. Big salt Bretzel and 1 Litter black beer for mama on Mother´s day? Nor lar..kami sharing baitu LOL.My anak dahaga beer LOL..joking only My boys. He picked wild flowers while walkingYou can see this almost every where in the country side.


  1. Punya besar itu Pretzel kau Luth... kau dapat habis kah tu....hehehe

  2. Hi Dora, thanks for looking hehehe...besar butul itu Bretzel, kalau sia saturang I cannot finish it so kami share share...

    Dora, Pretzel famous kah di US? Di sini famous tu Pretzel, we also eat it for breakfast. Ada durang jual frozen dough dia so just put in the oven.

  3. Haha Luthie, basarnya your pretzel.
    Apa bah tu Luth? Wheat kah?
    Aduh, punyalah nice tu craft si Kenneth. Cuba gia translate itu poem, Luth. Haha...demanding lagi ni kawan.
    BTW, macam ada tambah slim kau Luth! :D

  4. Hi Hilda,
    Itu Pretzel kana buat dari dough tepung sama yis baitu haha..biasa2 saja cuma saiz saja luar biasa LOL. Itu Poem (doi gia ko tida paham pula kan) nanti sia minta tulung si Lilian translate, kawan sia yg hidup bertahun-tahun di sini, sia tida berapa terror mo translate semua takut sia salah malu nanti sia haha..
    Slim? Mau takantut sia katawa oh hahaha...that is why u don´t see my full body photo LOL...skarang di tahap bahaya sudah my body..soon got to join fitness centre ni kawan before jadi yusni jaafar.

  5. Wow, Luthie, you must be touched! I would if I were you!!

  6. Hi Rose, apa kabar? I am so sorry I haven´t been to your blog recently (bukan lagi recently..berkurun sudah). Life has been quite busy as the weather gets nicer..

    I was touched, that is definite, nasip baik air mata tida macam river hahaha...

  7. Sorry Luthie, itu bah yang last pic tu, ladang yg menghijau tu, wheat kah tu?
    Haha kau ini Luth! Betul bah kau nampak ada slim sikit. Bah bah palan-palan kau eh....hihi!

  8. Hi Hilda, itu ladang actually kuning baitu Hilda..Rap plants...they make cooking oil from it. These plants ah bikin teruk pollen oh..

    Thanks for asking..nanti I can put more photos of these ladang kuning hehehe..


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